Friday, August 13, 2010

I finally saw the elusive Denali!

Today I got on the bus from Denali to Anchorage at 7:45 AM. The weather was cool but sunny and almost cloudless, so I couldn't help but wonder if The Tall One (Denali) would be visible in the distance. I never saw the whole mountain during my visit. One a couple of occasions, I was able to see the top of the peak sticking out of the clouds. Today, I got lucky and had the chance to see the whole mountain during the bus ride to Anchorage.

There were a few occasions along the road where Denali came into view. By far though, the best view was from the Talkeetna Lodge where we stopped to drop off passengers and take a 45 min. break. From the back patio of the hotel, Denali loomed large.

View from the road

Denali from Talkeetna

Small plane above

Denali is behind me, but didn't come out because of the haze

1 comment:

  1. Great blog. Just found it. Never been to Alaska, but like so many people, I sure hope to visit in the future.
