Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A beautiful day in Valdez

Today the weather in Valdez was absolutely beautiful. Supposedly, it rains a lot here in the summer (I am crossing my fingers this year won't be rainy). During my lunch break, I walked over to the small boat dock and enjoyed the beautiful views and warm temperatures.

Small boat harbor

After work, I went out to dinner with Andrew and his wife Wendy and their son Henry, and Steve (the education curator at the museum) and his wife Theresa. After a lovely dinner, Steve and Theresa took me sightseeing. They brought binoculars and their spotting scope so we could look for mountain goats and bears in the mountains.

At first, we didn't have much luck finding animals, but I really enjoyed the scenery all around. Eventually, we spotted mountain goats on several mountainsides (actually Theresa was spotting them - she has a great eye). We also stopped at Valdez Glacier and the lake below was a beautiful teal blue color. On the way back into town, Theresa spotted a black bear and cub in the mountainside, and we stopped to watch it. With the scope, we could see the bears eating plants and pink flowers. I've seen lots of bears before, but it's still really exciting to see them!

I have to say I've been very lucky so far in my short time in Valdez to have so many people showing me all the beautiful and interesting places around here!


  1. Gorgeous shots! I was just going to say (but saw it at the end of your post) that you're so lucky to have such accommodating bosses!

  2. i know i am very lucky! everyone has been so welcoming!
