Monday, May 31, 2010

Goat Trail Hike

Today I went hiking with Don and Scott on the Goat Trail, an old wagon trail that begins across from Bridal Veil Falls in Keystone Canyon. The trail began in a willow forest, where willow branches arched over the trail beautifully. Most of the trail was wooded, but there many small clearings from which we got some amazing views. The first half mile of the trail climbed gradually before leveling off for the remaining mile or so. Several small waterfall flowed over sections of trail, but they were all easy to cross. There were lots of interesting and lovely plants along the trail. We hiked the middle section of the Goat Trail, which ends at a beautiful scenic lookout at Snowslide Gulch, which is exactly what it sounds like - a deep gulch filled up with snow from winter avalanches. The weather continues to be gorgeous here in Valdez, and that made today a great day to be outside enjoying the scenery.

Willow trees framing the trail

A nice view from an early section of trail

One of many waterfalls cutting across the path

A nice view through a small clearing

One of many interesting plants along the way

A mossy cliff wall

New fern

Mossy waterfall

Devil's Club - Very sharp!

A nice view along the cliff edge

Snowslide Gulch

Me in Snowslide Gulch

Bridal Veil Falls from the trail

Bridal Veil Falls

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