Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hiking the Pack Trail

Today I hiked the Pack Trail with Scott and Don. The pack trail connects to the Goat Trail, which we hiked last weekend. The trail was cut out of the mountain in 1899 by the military and it connected Valdez to Eagle City on the Yukon River. We caught glimpses of the telegraph wire, which was installed along the trail between 1900 and 1902. The trail began in the woods and climbed steadily for about a mile before leveling off. Most of the trail was wooded, but there were lots of clearings where we were able to take in beautiful views. We used two vehicles so we would not have to retrace our steps to the beginning of the trail. At the end of the trail, we were delighted to find a large rainbow across Bridal Veil Falls. The weather was beautiful and sunny, making it the perfect day for a walk in the woods.

The trailhead

Mossy hill in the woods

View from the trail

Ahead on the trail

Another scenic view

Bear track

A nice little stream

Bridal Veil Falls with rainbow

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