Friday, August 6, 2010

Exit Glacier

Yesterday, Sarah and I went to Exit Glacier in Kenai Fjords National Park. We took a short shuttle bus to the park from Seward and had about three hours to explore before returning to town. For the first time in a few days, it wasn't raining, so we were able to enjoy the outdoors without being cold or wet.

When we got to the park, we first stopped at the Exit Glacier Nature Center, where they had information about glacial geology and the animals that live in the park. Then we hit the trail to Exit Glacier. The path began in a densely wooded area. We stopped at Outwash Plain, where a fast moving river blocked our way to the toe of the glacier. It was still a beautiful spot - mountains in all directions, and a view of the glacier peeking out from behind some trees.

Outwash Plain

We continued on and left the woods for a gravelly section of trail that seemed like another planet. This brought us to a viewing area very close to Exit Glacier. We stayed there for at least an hour, taking pictures and enjoying the fantastic view before heading back to the visitor center.

Sarah at Exit Glacier

Close up of the glacier

Sarah making me laugh

We stopped back at the beach of Outwash Plain and took some silly photos of us jumping in the air and doing cartwheels on the beach. It was really fun!

Jumping for joy!

From there, we headed back to the shuttle and back to Seward, where we got some nachos and a pitcher of beer before heading home. This was some of the most fun I've had here in Alaska - what a great day!


  1. Awesome! I wish I lived in Alaska right now; Georgia is just too dang hot!

  2. thanks! i've heard it's been a very hot summer down south... i haven't seen temperatures over 65 all summer. i must admit i would have liked a bit more sun up here though!
