Friday, August 13, 2010

Goodbye for Now, Alaska!

Right now, I am sitting at the Anchorage airport waiting on my 1 AM flight that will bring me back to Bozeman, MT. I've been in the great state of Alaska since May 23 and it's been a whirlwind of a summer! I got to see some of the most beautiful places on the planet, go on some amazing hikes, kayak to some of the most secluded areas I've ever been, see three Alaskan national parks, and most importantly, meet some extremely warm, kind, and generous people. During my summer here, I've learned a few things about myself and about Alaska. I think a lot of what I've learned this summer will sink in later, as I reflect on my experiences this summer. But I do know a few things:
  • Alaska is really, really big! (the size of 20% of the rest of the US combined)
  • Small, close-knit communities really do exist here
  • The weather in Alaska is unpredictable
  • I don't mind the midnight sun
  • People who live in Alaska love it here and are proud of this place
  • You can't let a little rain get in the way of outdoor activities, or you'd never go outside
  • Lots of people here still live off the land (and water)
  • I love Alaska and I'll be back someday
With the end of my adventures in Alaska comes the beginning of new adventures in Yellowstone. I'm heading back to Big Sky Country to work on my museum studies thesis at the Yellowstone Heritage Research Center in Gardiner, Montana. As many of you know, I interned at the HRC last summer and kept a blog about my experiences there. When I get back, I'll be resuming that blog, and you can follow my new adventures at:

I hope you'll continue to follow me there! Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed my blog!


  1. I just caught up on your last several Alaska blog posts. I know that you will return some day, maybe many times. And when you do, I'll eagerly await your photos and descriptions. In the meantime, I'll re-read your Alaska blog posts and enjoy your time there vicariously.

  2. Hello!

    I just wanted to say love your blogs, you write about 2 of my absolutely favorite places - Yellowstone and Alaska (my profile pic is from kayaking Resurrection Bay)! I'm heading to Yellowstone in 2 weeks and will definitely by hiking some of your hikes mentioned in your blog.

    Stop by my blog for some Oregon aventures! Keep writing in yours and I will keep reading! :)
