Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dock Point Trail

This afternoon the sun came out for the first time in weeks, so I decided to go for a short hike on the Dock Point Trail, near the small boat harbor. I went there against my better judgment, as I recently injured my left ankle somehow, but I just couldn't resist taking a walk in such beautiful weather.

The three-quarter mile trail looped around a wooded peninsula on a nice gravel surface and provided several lovely views of this part of Prince William Sound. The trail began with a short, steep ascent and then flattened out for most of the remaining distance. Lush vegetation, including trees, shrubs, and wildflowers surrounded the trail throughout the hike. Although it was a gorgeous hike (and I'm glad I did it), my ankle hurts much more now as a result. I am hoping some rest will help it feel better soon, because there is a lot more I want to do while I'm here in Alaska!

Dock Point Trail Map,
From Valdez Convention & Visitors Bureau Website

The beginning of the Dock Point Trail

First view of the sound from the trail

Beautiful view from the trail

A boardwalk to a nice little overlook

A really pretty mushroom along the trail

I came across this pretty marshy area near the end of the hike

Beach next to the trailhead

The small boat harbor was really beautiful, too

I really loved this little boat

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