Sunday, July 18, 2010

Mineral Creek Trail

Today I went hiking with Scott, Don, and Wendy on the Mineral Creek Trail. The trail began at the end of a rough 5 mile gravel road. Luckily, Scott drove us to the end of the road in his truck, cutting down the hiking distance from twelve miles to around two. My ankle is still bothering me a little, so I was happy the distance wasn't too long today. The weather was cool and a little rainy, but it was still a beautiful hike. I especially loved the way the clouds hung at the tops of the mountains around us.

Don directing Scott's truck over a narrow spot in the road

With inches to spare, he made it through

The trail followed a ridge in Mineral Creek Valley and ends at the W.L. Smith Stamp Mill, built in 1913. The mill was used in conjunction with the Mountain King Mine, located in Mineral Creek Valley. For more information on the history of the stamp mill, click here.

The Stamp Mill

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