Saturday, July 10, 2010

Valdez Overlook

Yesterday it was sunny and beautiful in Valdez, after a long stretch of rain. Everything was bright and colorful - the sky, the mountains, the grass, and the flowers. After work, I took a quick walk up to the lookout trail at the convention center (again, I shouldn't have done this because of my ankle, but I couldn't help it). The salmonberries were coming out along the trail, and varied in color from yellow to green to bright red. I think I might go back up there next week to pick some, because they just looked so good! As always, the view from the top of the hill was amazing, and I got some nice photos of Valdez. As I headed back down, the sky was starting to cloud back up, so I am glad I got up there while it was still nice and sunny.


Looking towards the water
(The yellow building to the right is where I work)

The convention center as seen from the path

I think this is fireweed


Valdez in the sunshine!

Heading down the trail

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