Friday, July 2, 2010

An Evening on Blueberry Hill

This evening I walked around on Blueberry Hill with Don. Blueberry Hill is located just behind the museum annex where I work, and parallels Prince William Sound. We started walking around 8 PM, which sounds late, but it doesn't get dark here until after midnight, so we had plenty of light. We walked along a rocky gravel road and several dead end roads that intersected it. Once we got up on the hill just a little ways, it seemed as though we were outside Valdez, when in reality the town was just a few hundred yards away. It was a nice little walk, and it was good to get outside after a week of work. We enjoyed the area for a couple of hours before heading back home.

Valdez and Prince William Sound from Blueberry Hill

Alaska Marine Highway System ferry at the dock,
with Alyeska pipeline facility in background

A nice mountain view

Lovely waterfall

I think this is Fireweed budding

A mushroom with four slugs

A really beautiful mushroom along the road

Heading toward home

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